QR discount

One of the most extravagant works in the museum's art gallery is the one created by Randal Quakers. The alternative art structure turns into a QR code if light is applied to it in the right places. To encourage people to view his work, the QR code leads to a discount voucher applicable to all shops in Randal's hometown.

Digital phone activated

We have activated a digital telephone number to contact the museum staff. This is located on the left side of our website. Dial the number of the staff you wish to contact (the number matches your museum ID) and they will get back to you as soon as they are available. Only use the telephone to contact the staff.

Interview with our collaborator Mery Descon

How many excavations have you carried out so far and what is the discovery you are most proud of?

I have made more than 30, some have been more remarkable than others but none is comparable to the one I am going to make soon, which will be the discovery that will define my career.

What are you researching right now?

I cannot reveal it yet, but it will be a most memorable historical event. I can only say that it is a treasure that has been sought for centuries.

Why did you decide to become an archaeologist?

I have always been attracted to the past, to adventure and to discovering lost legacies. Besides, it seems that fate has thrown me into it, as I was born on a historic day, the same day that the archaeologist Caroline Carter made her greatest discovery: the tomb of the pharaoh Enigtatu.

Opening of a new room in the museum

Soon the museum will be opening a new room again. This is the second one in less than a month.

Last Thursday saw the opening of the Art Gallery, a magnificent exhibition of paintings and sculptures by artists from all over the world. You can find everything from the most classical works to experimental sculptures of the modern era.

Private Area
